I was busy ending my Friday when I received an email from Turner's school approaching us about not paying tuition since he started school. I am 1. thankful they didnt' kick Turner to the curb 2. not surprised by this email. I really thought I read in the packet that they do this out of the goodness of their hearts. :)
I kindly responded and said I will pay right when I pick Turner up AND I swear I filled out the bank form to autodraft. They are checking on that.
Onto another part of our Friday...I am squeezing in potty training tomorrow. My favorite part of my long conversation on the phone with his teacher was, "Just put him in regular underwear on Monday and bring about six changes of clothes" I just smiled and said, "Ok" Turner's school isn't new at this. They caught my grand master scheme I was working up and I lost. Turner started school at a time where he was at the edge to move up into the next class. I really wanted him to stay in the 18.5 to 2.5 till he was closer to three. Problem solved. Simple. I love his teacher, he has friends in his class, he actually talks to them, and is loving life! I mean..I JUST made his family poster for the classroom, too.
My plan was to just 'stretch out this potty thing' so he could simply stay. I know, I'm brilliant. Well....I guess that's not really what's going to happen because I guess they educate at this school and he's ready to move up and is ready for the next stage according to his teacher. My favorite quotes from me (I'm such a good mom) "I have the list that states what he needs to do before he moves up, and he can't do 1/2 of that stuff" (teacher corrected me on this) "I really think he should just stay where he is" (Let me run your school, please) She even had to bluntly ask me "Let's take out the whole moving up to another class. Would you still be up to potty training??" (That's when I knew I was busted....) SO proud.
After the teacher explained to me some good points, I was ok. I'm not really ok...but I will be ok. It really is about the timing and another transition BUT as we know, I just ignore any kind of transitions until someone really points it out to me. I also (obviously) react a bit...I mean I did pass out from a 'scratch' above Turner's eye..which still really surprises me I did that. I've learned that about myself in this motherhood thing....I am surprised by things I do more than that new little boy in this world who is new at ALL OF THIS, too.
I told her I still have some concerns and am not optimistic about this whole "bring him in underwear on Monday" I now am going to squeeze in potty training tomorrow. Wish me luck! (I know you are wishing me luck on more things than just Sunday's potty training adventure"
Irish Soda Bread
52 minutes ago