Every baby girl shower needs a pretty seashell. I was excited that Turner was happy to join in on the shower fun for his sister! I think he will love being a big brother!! I am skipping a few months of my blog posts because I have not blogged probably twice about Baby Girl and I have two huge books printed of Turner's pregnancy, birth and first year! Second child...:)
Great friends hosted a wonderful shower for Ellery Kaye! Pink! Pink! Pink! I can't wait for her to be here. It's very soon.
LOVED it all! The girls did a wonderful job!
It was so sweet...many brought Turner a gift as well. He was so excited to open Ellery's gifts..I don't think he expected to open gifts for himself.
The food at Boardwalk Café was DELICIOUS!
He got to wear this that Aunt Nat made him.
Preggo digging in!
Turner was more organized about gift opening than I would have been. He stuck it out the entire time and placed things back in bags..he was a GREAT helper!
Aunt Lillipop serving up the delicious cookies and cakes!
We make such a great team! I loved sharing this moment with Tman. All the bows, blankets, leggings and such were so adorable! I am so blessed with such wonderful family and friends.
Aunt Staci! Turner adores Aunt Staci and Uncle Steve. Uncle Steve has the coolest toys and Turner talks about them A LOT!
Danielle is Tman's babysitter and she is the best!
Some of the BUNCO babes!
Friends Forever! B and I are going strong on pregnancy! Can't wait for our little ones to meet each other.
Natalie was photographer! She did a wonderful job :). She and I are usually the photographers so you don't see much of us at events.
Turner is a proud big brother
Us girls love our pink!
The family!
Hostesses with the mostest!
We can't wait for baby girl to get here!