Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smiles and Eskimo Kisses

Life is busy! I just realized that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant?! I mean, that's busy.....or I'm in my grownup  world :). Anyways, two of my favorite things this week I want to remember...

1. Marcy and her MOP's group hosted an event where children had their photo ID cards made. Grandmama took Turner & they had a blast. When the policeman asked Turner to smile...This is what he did..
I love it! He also did a great job on his fingerprints. Let's hope this is his last!

2. I've been giving Turner Eskimo kisses lately and he just loves them. He even started to lean in and try to give them to me. He's just precious! I had Addison video because I wanted to remember the eskimo kisses but also how much I love getting him ready for bed.

Life is busy..BUT if I can always remember smiles and eskimo kisses, everything will be ok.

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