Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where have we been??

Laundry Room.

Let's just say it's hit and miss with potty training. He does not like to go 'plop - plop' at all in the potty. That's enough right there to keep ya busy!

It's been potty training season at our household and as many parents know, it consumes many, many extra minutes. I have been in catch up mode and seem to not be getting anywhere! (And I'm well aware I only have one child..) Mine is mainly work. Hug a teacher today. It's a tough year in their world and we need to keep good teachers teaching our children!

Turner loves his new classroom! Even if from the above picture he doesn't look real thrilled..he really is having a good time! He loves Spanish Mondays and I've been told he is always excited and answering all the teacher's questions when it comes to this. With how shy he is, I was so happy to hear this. We had his first PTC on Friday...was SUPER excited about this!

He's changed A LOT in the past few months. He is trying everything himself, in a big boy bed, talking a lot more and making new friends. He's known in his class as 'the little guy'-- he always tells me he loves the 'funny guy' At PTC, the teacher told me he will just crack himself up and laugh in little spurts about something he said or did... he so gets that from me. I think I'm hilarious most of the time as well.

His favorite phrases:
  - I don't want to.. (Such a fun one)
 - I'll try
  -more TREAT (We have been using candy corn for bathroom treats....ready for the bag to be empty)
 -Momma go away (he's so sweet sometimes these days)
 -Cuddle, please (the other side of being two)

He's now starting to sing along to songs he knows and read along to books. He loves to play kitchen and make us sandwiches. :) (Very important milestones we all don't want to miss!)

Still loves...
  -Popo and Hooch
 -His routines.. (I so wish someone could see him in the morning... it's like he is still not aware he has to leave for school...Just slowly eating his breakfast...getting ready...and so forth..) My patience is gone by 8:00am.

I'm super excited about this post because I actually worked on it a week ago and then hit something. I thought it was gone forever. I took a break from it :) and I came on today and it was still here!!

I really want to get back in the groove of blogging..I love it but just can't seem to find the right time these days.

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!

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